Funny George Bush Upside Down Phone Gifs

george w bush book upside down. george w bush tattoo.

  • george w bush tattoo.

    I seriously hope for it. Robson sounds like an interesting technology. I also hope they have fixed some of the problems with the current MacBook.


    george w bush book upside down. President George W. Bush

  • President George W. Bush
  • The OS takes advantage of the extra 4 cores already therefore its ahead of the technology curve, correct? Gee, no innovation here...please move along folks. :rolleyes:

    As for using a Dell, sure they could've used that. Would Windows use the extra 4 cores? Highly doubtful. Microsoft has sketchy 64 bit support let alone dual core support; I'm not saying "impossible" but I haven't read jack squat about any version of Windows working well with quad cores. You think those fools (the same idiots who came up with Genuine Advantage) actually optimized their OS to run in an 8 core setup? Please pass along what you're smoking. :rolleyes:

    The Datacenter editions of Windows Server 2003 can handle up to 64 cores.

    george w bush book upside down. Fake photos, credits and captionedpresident ush pictures and his , miss George+w+ush+photos On out to the george his , presidential library opening Close

  • Fake photos, credits and captionedpresident ush pictures and his , miss George+w+ush+photos On out to the george his , presidential library opening Close
  • I haven't read this lawsuit, so I don't know if they're claiming things that aren't true... but I really do not like the fact that the iPhone has a breadcrumbs database of my travels for the last 3 years!

    This type of thing should not happen without users' knowledge... and it was. Or else this file would not be news!

    If you didn't know this maybe you should get a trac phone.

    george w bush book upside down. george w bush tattoo.

  • george w bush tattoo.
  • But he then said after how well it would work on the phone, they put the tablet project on the shelf and focused on the phone as it was more important. Which means it was a tablet and no just a touch screen device in the beginning.

    yes, seems it was this way:

    1. tablet concept/prototype
    2. use ideas from that tablet concept to create iOS/iPhone
    3. continue development for tablet

    Apple also realized that it is easier to market a smart phone first which than makes it easier to market a tablet build on the same OS. iOS/iPhone was never a independent development but strongly tied to the tablet development.

    george w bush book upside down. Moda manken george w bush

  • Moda manken george w bush
  • macfan881

    Nov 12, 12:21 PM

    george w bush book upside down. GW Bush: born with a silver

  • GW Bush: born with a silver
  • ...
    and ECC memory
    and dual GigE network ports

    Current PowerMacs have both of these... it supports ECC and has dual GigE

    george w bush book upside down. George W. Bush gives a speech

  • George W. Bush gives a speech
  • addicted44

    Mar 26, 12:13 AM

    I still don't know what people want on these forums. I am SUBSTANTIALLY more excited about Lion than I was about Leopard or Snow Leopard. I don't care about more eye candy. Versions, autosave and resume are all great features and more importantly they're features non-techies will appreciate even more.

    Merging server is damn cool, Mission Control and the improvements to Spaces both look very compelling and I like the interface changes.

    Some of the comments on this board are inane.

    1) Launchpad is the selling point...Really? You think Versions, Resume, Mission Control, OS wide Full Screen App support are not selling points?
    2) $129 is too much. This one cracks me up. Apple is bundling a $500 product into the OS (and other OS based servers are far more expensive) and people think $129 is too much?
    3) When has Apple released an OS, and not shown new features on the final release keynote?

    george w bush book upside down. george w bush tattoo.

  • george w bush tattoo.
  • jonnysods

    Mar 31, 02:43 PM

    Suckaz. What a mess.

    george w bush book upside down. george w bush tattoo. very

  • george w bush tattoo. very
  • swingerofbirch

    Nov 28, 07:22 PM

    This would be like Ford paying Exxon a fee because some car drivers syphon gas....pretty weird!

    george w bush book upside down. War Nerd: Bush Fought The Wars

  • War Nerd: Bush Fought The Wars
  • I got this great response this morning from my IT snob:
    "Where in that linked article does it say 64bit? I see 65 nm, but not 64 bit. Duct taping two 32 bit cores together may get you Mac 64 bit processing... great for drawing cool pictures."

    Anyone have a link that shows that Clovertown is 64 bit? Please help me to defeat this PC IT ogre

    Why not get it from The Horses Mouth ( over at intel (PDF Warning)

    They specifically state that Clovertown is a multi-core packaging of Woodcrest which is a 64 bit processor.

    Hate it when IT people act like morons and give the rest of us a bad name.

    george w bush book upside down. d head of george w bush wayne

  • d head of george w bush wayne
  • blahblah100

    Mar 31, 05:27 PM

    The amount of people who never bought an Apple product, but will still log-on to blast away at anything Apple is really quite amusing. ;)

    The amount of people who never bought a Microsoft product, but will still log-on to blast away at anything Microsoft is really quite amusing. ;)

    Unfortunately, it goes both ways.

    george w bush book upside down. George Bush Grinning

  • George Bush Grinning
  • portishead

    Apr 12, 12:32 PM

    I forgot the most obvious thing that has been missing since FCP has existed. When outputting to tape, we shouldn't have to drag a sequence over to "Assemble". We should be able to hit the Assemble button for the current sequence open.

    Also, I hate how the Preview takes up the whole screen. I much prefer the Avid way where you can see your sequence and playhead move live. It would be awesome if FCP allowed you to zoom in/out during edit to tape so you could check your work as you output.

    george w bush book upside down. George+w+ush+photoshop

  • George+w+ush+photoshop
  • Bill McEnaney

    Mar 3, 04:10 AM

    Why is most straight people assume that gay people do all those? I'm gay and I don't do a thing in that article. I know.. I'm boring but hey that's not the point.

    george w bush book upside down. George W. Bush

  • George W. Bush
  • Yeah im not surprised. I went to my local store today and saw one in all its glory attached to a 30" ACD. It was VERY fast, system prefs launched in micro seconds, a meaty FCP project opened in less than 5 seconds same for Aperture & Logic, 1080p HD trailers were chewed and spit out using less than 10% of processing power. Totally amazing and best part...its very quiet. I played with a Quad G5 once and it sounded like a jet engine taking off.

    I defo want one but it'll cost me an arm and leg. Sigh...

    george w bush book upside down. The Ramblings of George W.

  • The Ramblings of George W.
  • SevenInchScrew

    Aug 20, 09:40 AM

    I laugh at both dirt games because of this...
    Personally, I think Codemasters do a great job with racing games, but the problem is, the games they make are always a little more geared toward arcade-style racing. Realistic enough to really get you into the feel of rallying, or touring cars, or whatever, but not SO realistic that only pros can play the game. The early "Colin McRae Rally" games were tons of fun for that very reason. I only played the demo for Dirt though, so I can't really speak for it.
    ...Forza 3 online was a much unneeded step backwards.
    I didn't like it at all either... until recently. They've finally added production hoppers, where everyone in the race is using the exact same car. It makes for some GREAT racing. I've only done a few races so far, but they have been some of the best yet.

    george w bush book upside down. NAME: George Warmonger Bush

  • NAME: George Warmonger Bush
  • RussOniPhone

    Apr 6, 01:15 PM

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Does this mean I should cancel my order on the 11" Mac Book Air 1.4GZ, I got it with 4GB ram and it's a refurb so I saved some cash. Should I wait until June.

    Thanks in advance for your advise!!

    george w bush book upside down. George+w+ush+photoshop

  • George+w+ush+photoshop
  • Philip Bloom and Larry Jordan are both heavy weights and their words go far in the film making community. Great to hear... I look forward to finding out more.

    george w bush book upside down. george w bush monkey face.

  • george w bush monkey face.
  • I just got my low end 13" MacBook Air with 4GB of RAM today too. Should I keep it?

    george w bush book upside down. George W. Bush: waterboarding

  • George W. Bush: waterboarding
  • i don't care about see-through windows. I want something that works.

    see-through windows are SOOOO jaguar

    Actually, they do. They also got paid on every blank tape sold when cassettes were big.

    I didn't know that. I'm glad I do now, it kind of makes a little more sense now, and that this idea isn't completely out of nowhere. You make a very good point. Especially with the stale-ness.

    It absolutely will!!! Leopard is just going to be mostly beneficial for dual-core machines. Read this article:

    Leopard sounds FAST!

    You didn't really just link to MOSR, did you? :p

    Anyway, I have the sneaking suspicion that we will see Core 2 Duo/Extreme-related computer announcements next week, and not at WWDC. WWDC will get major coverage anyway because of Leopard (which could easily take up the whole keynote). So why not spread the Apple press over 2 weeks?

    Moreover, everyone announced new computers today. Apple might have wanted to avoid the first-day glut of releases, but they might not want to wait almost 2 full weeks to announce a Mac Pro.

    My wild guess is Mac Daddy Extreme and/or iMaconroe on Tuesday with near-immediate availability, and announcement of MeromBook Pro at WWDC with early September availability.

    Maybe not in a client type computer but it exists in Windows Server 2003 and it is called Volume Shadow Copy.

    Of curse it doesn't look as nice !

    You're the closest so far, except that it is by turns both not as sophisticated as a Snapshot, and in some sense more sophisticated. A snapshot allows you to "capture" the current state of a disk at a particular point in time - further new updates do not impact the snapshot. This assures a consistent backup as of a given point in time. This is not what Apple is doing here, as they are simply storing the old version of the file on the backup system.

    However, in Time Machine, "snapshots" are not deliberate actions, they occur everytime something is changed. It would be tedious/near impossible to restore your entire disk back to a certain known good point using Time Machine - but that's a SysAdmin thing. It is almost simplicity itself to restore a given file or set of files back to what they were 30 minutes ago. And that is something that "everyman" needs a lot. If your choices are your current corrupt version, or the version as of the last snapshot, that is often a choice between bad and worse.


    Mar 23, 08:21 AM

    Complete BS "iphone" lookalikes date back to ebfore the iphone was anounced. So either some companys have people who can predict the future, or the design and tech behind the iphone was aused BEFORe it was released and apple just changed excisting designs.

    Ipad is basicly a large smartphone.

    History revisionist ahoy!

    Please name us one single phone that the original iPhone is a direct copy of....

    That's right, there isn't one....

    Oh, and if the iPad is really just a smartphone, it's rather lacking in 'phone' features don't you think?...

    So you don't continue to make too big a fool of yourself, the iPhone is in actual fact just a small iPad.

    The iPad concept predates the iPhone, though they needed the rest of the world to catch up to them before they could release it.

    Feel free to stick your fingers in your ears and scream so you can't hear..

    but it's still the truth...

    I haven't read all the post as yet, got to around post #50 but my sentiments pretty much reflect those of most posters.

    However, if there is evidence that a bulk of the royalty (and I mean more than 50%) will go to artists then I can see justification in the process (but it should not be a flat $1 per device as the cost/profit of devices varies). But at the same time, Apple should get a higher share of the 99c per track as I believe the money they get per song pretty much only covers there management of the stored data and hosting on iTunes with very little profit per song - and this is understandable as Apple can leverage the iTunes store to drive iPod sales.

    If the record companies want a profitable piece of Apple�s pie (no pun intended) then Apple should be entitled to a profitable piece of the 99c download.

    Same logic me thinks�


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