How to Draw an Anime Girl Face Side View

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Do you like anime? This style of animation, wherein characters have large, expressive eyes, originated in Japan.
While the first Japanese cartoons were created in the early 1900s, modern anime traces its roots to the manga comic books or graphic novels that have been gaining popularity since the 1950s. Manga, in turn, conforms to an artistic style developed during the 1800s.
As a budding anime artist, you want to be able to draw your characters from all angles.
This tutorial will show you how to draw a female character in profile - that is, with the side of the face turned to the viewer so that the outline of the forehead, nose, lips, and chin are clearly visible. This style of portrait has been popular throughout history.
The theme song of one popular anime begins with the words, "I want to be the very best like no one ever was." With plenty of practice and the help of our drawing guides, you can improve your skills and be the best artist you can be!
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Would you like to draw an anime or manga character's side profile? This easy, step-by-step cartoon character drawing tutorial is here to show you how. All you will need is a pencil, an eraser, and a sheet of paper.
You may also wish to color your finished drawing.
If you liked this tutorial, see also the following drawing guides: Woman Side Profile, Anime Boy Face, and Sad Girl Crying.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing an Anime Girl Side View

1. Begin by drawing the head. First, sketch a large circle. Then, extend curved lines from its side and bottom to meet at a gentle point. This outlines the front of the face and the chin.

2. Draw curved lines from the back of the head and the chin to form the neck.

3. Use a series of overlapping curved lines to detail the face. Let previously drawn lines serve as guides. The first line should form the forehead, nose, and upper lip. The second outlines the lower lip and chin.

4. Erase guide lines from the face, leaving a clean outline of the head. Use thick curved lines for the eyebrow and lashes of the upper eyelid. Contour the upper and lower lids and nostrils using short curved lines. Enclose a narrow partial oval to indicate the pupil.

5. Begin outlining the hair. Draw a curved line roughly parallel to the front of the head, and another across the side of the face. Connect these using a third curved line.

6. Detail the hair of the bangs. From the guide line, draw pairs of curved lines that meet at points.

7. Continue the line above the top of the head. At the back of the head, allow the line to diverge outward. Enclose the ends of locks of hair at the cheeks using curved lines of various lengths that meet at points.

8. Connect the hair at the cheek to the hair at the back of the head. Use a series of overlapping curved lines of various lengths, allowing the lines to meet at jagged points.

9. Erase the guide lines from the hair. Texture the hair with curved lines of various lengths.

Color your anime girl cartoon.
Whether you're sketching mug shots or creating your own cartoon, you'll need to draw more than just a side of view of your characters. Learn how to draw a girl from other angles, draw a boy in profile, and master the cute chibi style.
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How to Draw an Anime Girl Face Side View
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